Does Rowing Strengthen Hip Flexors

If you’re looking for a full-body workout that can improve your cardiovascular fitness, boost your strength, and tone your muscles, rowing may be just what you need. Rowing is a low-impact exercise that engages multiple muscle groups throughout your body, including your arms, shoulders, back, and core.

But what about your hip flexors? These critical muscles are responsible for lifting your knees towards your chest, which is essential for everyday movements like walking, running, and jumping. In this article, we’ll explore the question of whether rowing can effectively strengthen your hip flexors and help you reap even more benefits from this popular workout. So sit back, buckle up and let’s dive into the details.

What are hip flexors?

Hip flexors are a group of muscles that run from the pelvis to the thigh bone and help in the movement of the hip joint. The hip joint is one of the largest and strongest joints in the human body, and the hip flexors play a crucial role in maintaining its stability and range of motion.

There are several muscles that contribute to the hip flexors, including the psoas major, iliacus, rectus femoris, sartorius, and tensor fasciae latae. These muscles work together to flex the hip joint, which occurs when we lift our knee towards our chest or lean forward from a standing position.

The hip flexors are also involved in many basic daily activities such as walking, running, and sitting. Any pain or tightness in these muscles can lead to a compromised posture, reduced range of motion, and possible injury.

Common issues with weak hip flexors include lower back pain, hip pain, and tightness or strain in the groin area. Fortunately, there are exercises that can help strengthen the hip flexors, such as rowing. Let’s explore this in the next section.

How rowing affects hip flexors

Rowing is a low-impact exercise that can provide a full-body workout while being easy on the joints. The motion of rowing involves a continuous contraction and extension of the legs, hips, and back, making it an effective exercise for strengthening the muscles in these areas.

Analysis of rowing motion

During a rowing stroke, the rower sits on a sliding seat and pulls on the handle attached to the rowing machine, which pulls a chain attached to a flywheel. The rower then pushes the seat back while extending their legs, which moves the flywheel and works the back and core muscles.

Muscles used during rowing

Rowing is a great exercise for the lower body, as it targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. However, it also works the upper body, specifically the back, arms, and shoulders. The repetitive motion of rowing can help to build endurance in these muscles and increase overall strength.

Impact of rowing on hip flexors

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that help to bring your knees toward your chest and bend your hips. These muscles are used during the drive phase of the rowing stroke, when you push off the foot pedals to extend your legs. This motion can help to strengthen the hip flexors over time, especially if you perform rowing regularly as part of your exercise routine.

Read also: Which Muscles Does Rowing Machine Target

Benefits of rowing for hip flexors

Rowing is an excellent exercise that strengthens and tones your entire body, including your hip flexors. Here’s why you should consider rowing if you want to improve the health of your hip flexors:

  • Strengthening and toning of hip flexors: Rowing is a low-impact, high-intensity exercise that targets your core muscles, including your hip flexors. As you row, your hip flexors contract and relax to help you move forward and backward. Over time, these repeated movements help to strengthen and tone your hip flexors, making them less prone to injury and weakness.
  • Improved range of motion in hip flexors: One of the biggest benefits of rowing for hip flexors is increased range of motion. When you row, you’re moving through a full range of motion that requires your hip flexors to stretch and contract. This helps to improve your flexibility and range of motion in your hips, which can reduce pain and discomfort caused by stiff hip flexors.
  • Reduced risk of injury in hip flexors: Hip flexor injuries are common among athletes and people who sit for long periods of time. When you row, you’re strengthening your hip flexors, which can reduce your risk of injury. This is because strong hip flexors are better equipped to handle the stresses and strains that can lead to injury.

Other Exercises that Strengthen Hip Flexors

While rowing is a fantastic exercise for strengthening hip flexors, it is always a good idea to switch things up and incorporate other exercises into your routine for a well-rounded workout. Here are a few alternative exercises you can try to help strengthen your hip flexors:

Exercise #1 – Lunges

Lunges not only strengthen your quads, but they’re also a great exercise for your hip flexors. Alternating lunges and step-back lunges are both effective variations that target the hip flexors. To perform a lunge, step one foot forward while keeping the other foot behind you, then lower your body down so that your back knee almost touches the ground.

Exercise #2 – Leg Raises

Leg raises are a simple yet effective exercise that can be done with no equipment. Lying flat on your back with your arms by your side, slowly lift one leg up towards the ceiling and lower back down. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise can be done with both legs raised at the same time for an added challenge.

Exercise #3 – Russian Twist

While primarily targeting your core, Russian twists are also a great exercise for your hip flexors. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground. Twist your torso to the left, then to the right while tapping the ground with your hands.

While these exercises are great alternatives to rowing for strengthening hip flexors, it’s important to note that they may not be as effective as rowing. Rowing engages a wide range of muscles and provides a full body workout, so consider incorporating these exercises into your routine as supplementary exercises rather than replacements for rowing.

Precautions and considerations when rowing for hip flexors

While rowing is a great exercise for strengthening your hip flexors, it is essential to take the necessary precautions and considerations to avoid any injuries or strains. The last thing you want is to dampen your progress by trying to push beyond your limits and end up with a muscle tear or strain.

Proper technique to avoid injury
The first precaution is to maintain proper technique while rowing. A wrong technique can lead to an increased chance of injury. Therefore, it is vital to take time and learn proper rowing form from a qualified instructor. Focus on engaging your core, squeezing your glutes together, sitting up straight, and keeping your arms straight while gripping the oars.

Gradual increase of intensity to prevent strain
When starting with rowing, it’s essential to begin with low intensity and gradually increase the intensity to prevent straining your hip flexors. Trying to push yourself too hard too soon can lead to overuse injuries. A good rule of thumb is to increase your rowing intensity by no more than 10% each week.

Consulting with a healthcare professional
It is also essential to keep your healthcare professional informed of your decision to start rowing. They should guide and advice you on the best exercise routine for your specific body. In particular, they can advise you on any pre-existing conditions that you should take into consideration when rowing.


After exploring the topic of whether rowing strengthens hip flexors, we can conclude that rowing can indeed have a positive impact on these muscles. By engaging in rowing as a form of exercise, we can improve our overall fitness and strengthen our hip flexors, leading to better mobility, stability and resilience.

It’s also important to note that there are many other exercises and precautions we can take to ensure our hip flexors stay healthy, such as stretching and not pushing ourselves too hard during exercise. Ultimately, the key to a healthy and strong body is consistent effort and a willingness to explore new ways to challenge ourselves. So, whether you’re an experienced rower or just starting out, remember to take care of your hip flexors and keep rowing!