Are Wrist Rests Ergonomic

Do you ever feel like your office job is keeping you tethered to your desk? Long hours spent on the computer can be detrimental to your physical well-being, leaving you with an achy neck, sore back and, perhaps worst of all, wrist pain. You’ve probably heard of wrist rests and their purported ergonomic benefits, but are they really effective?

In this article, we’ll explore the debate surrounding these small but sometimes controversial accessories. We’ll delve into the anatomy of the wrist, discuss the risks of prolonged computer use without proper support, and weigh up the pros and cons of using wrist rests according to experts in fitness and technology.

We’ll also help you find the right wrist rest by outlining crucial factors to consider and offer some creative alternatives to conventional wrist rests. Finally, we’ll even show you how to make your own custom wrist rest! So, join us as we explore this hot topic and help you make informed decisions for better ergonomics.

The Wrist Rest Debate: Is It Really Ergonomic?

When it comes to ergonomics in the workplace, there are many debates surrounding the use of wrist rests for those who spend long hours working on a computer. Some experts claim that wrist rests can provide support that helps prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain injuries. Others argue that wrist rests can actually lead to more problems, such as limiting natural movements and increasing pressure on the wrist.

So what’s the truth? Is it really ergonomic to use wrist rests while working on a computer? The answer, as with most things, is not black and white.

While wrist rests can provide some relief for those who experience discomfort or pain in their wrists while typing or using a mouse, simply placing your wrists on a rest is not enough. The key to proper ergonomics is to support the entire arm and promote a comfortable and neutral posture. This means ensuring that your desk and chair are at the proper heights, your monitor is at the correct distance and height, and your keyboard and mouse are positioned in a way that promotes a natural alignment of the arm and wrist.

It’s also important to note that while wrist rests can provide some benefits, there are also some drawbacks. Using a wrist rest can limit natural movements, which can cause stiffness and discomfort. Additionally, if the rest is too high or too firm, it can actually increase pressure on the wrist and compress nerves, which can lead to more problems down the road.

Ultimately, the use of wrist rests is a personal decision that depends on individual needs and preferences, as well as the nature of the work being performed. Some people find that using a rest helps alleviate discomfort, while others find it distracting or uncomfortable.

The Anatomy of the Wrist: Why Proper Support Matters

The human wrist is remarkable for its flexibility and strength. Made up of eight bones called carpals, the wrist is a vital component of the body’s musculoskeletal system. Not only does it allow for a wide range of movements, but it also supports the weight of the upper body, helping us carry out various tasks.

However, prolonged use of a computer or mouse can put a strain on the wrist, leading to fatigue, discomfort, and even injury. This is where wrist rests come into the picture. They provide support to the wrist, reducing the likelihood of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and tenosynovitis.

Wrist rests offer a cushioned surface for the wrist to rest on while typing or using the mouse. This helps keep the wrist in a neutral position, which is important for maintaining proper alignment of the bones, muscles, and nerves. When the wrist is bent or twisted for extended periods, it puts stress on the tendons and nerves, causing pain and inflammation. The use of a wrist rest thus helps reduce the risk of these conditions by providing proper support and cushioning.

Moreover, using a wrist rest can also improve the overall ergonomics of your workstation. It helps reduce strain on the shoulders, neck, and back, leading to improved posture and less discomfort.
However, it’s important to note that using a wrist rest alone may not be enough to prevent RSIs. It’s essential to take breaks, perform stretching exercises, and incorporate other ergonomic solutions, like adjusting the height of the chair and monitor, to reduce the risk of injury.

The Risks of Prolonged Computer Use Without Wrist Rests

Without proper support, prolonged computer use can cause a variety of health problems, including strains, sprains, and even long-term conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. In fact, studies suggest that repetitive strain injuries caused by computer use can account for up to 60% of all occupational illnesses.

When you type or use a mouse for hours on end, your hands and wrists are constantly engaged in repetitive motions. This can lead to inflammation, swelling, and pain, which can ultimately result in a decreased ability to do simple tasks, like typing or gripping objects.

Moreover, the prolonged use of a computer mouse or keyboard without proper support increases the risks of developing computer-related injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition is caused by a compression of the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand and is responsible for controlling movement and sensation of the thumb and fingers. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and wrist.

Not using a wrist rest when using a computer can lead to a lot of pain and discomfort that can easily be avoided. Hence, it is essential to invest in good quality ergonomic office equipment to avoid the risks associated with prolonged computer use.

Read also: Best Keyboard Wrist Rests in UK

The Pros and Cons of Using Wrist Rests: What Experts Say

Many people believe that using a wrist rest while typing or using a mouse is essential for preventing injury and improving comfort. However, the effectiveness of wrist rests remains a subject of debate among experts in the field of ergonomic design.
On the one hand, proponents of wrist rests argue that these products provide much-needed support to the wrists, reducing strain and promoting proper alignment of the hands and arms.
On the other hand, critics of wrist rests contend that these products may actually do more harm than good, as they can place undue pressure on the wrists and restrict blood flow to the area. This can cause discomfort, numbness, and even lead to a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome.
So what’s the verdict? According to most experts, there are both pros and cons to using wrist rests, and the effectiveness of these products largely depends on the individual user and the specific situation.
According to Dr. David Rempel, director of the ergonomics program at the University of California, San Francisco, “a wrist rest can be a useful device but is not an essential component of a healthy ergonomic work environment.”
However, Dr. Alan Hedge, a professor of ergonomics at Cornell University, notes that wrist rests can be helpful for certain individuals, particularly those who have already experienced wrist pain or injury. In his opinion, the key is to use wrist rests in moderation and in conjunction with other ergonomic strategies, such as proper posture and regular breaks from typing or mouse work.

Finding the Right Wrist Rest: Factors to Consider

Now that you know the pros and cons of using wrist rests, let’s look at the factors to consider when choosing the right one. It’s essential to pick a wrist rest that provides adequate support to minimize stress on your wrists and avoid long-term injuries.


The material of your wrist rest plays a vital role in determining comfort and durability. Opt for a wrist rest made up of high-quality foam, gel, or memory foam. These materials are soft, flexible and adjust to your wrists’ shape, reducing the risk of pressure points and discomfort.

Shape and Size

Size and shape vary for wrist rests, so consider your desk’s dimensions to select the correct size. Ensure that the wrist rest doesn’t interfere with your mouse’s movement and provides proper support to your wrists. Wider wrist rests are recommended as they can accommodate a range of mouse movements and support various wrist postures.


Consider wrist rests that are adjustable in height and angle. This feature is essential as it allows you to customize the position that is most comfortable for you. An adjustable wrist rest can help you avoid wrist strain by maintaining a more natural hand position.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Your wrist rest accumulates dust and debris over time, so it’s essential to select one that is easy to clean and maintain. Look for wrist rests that come with removable covers, or you can wash the material they are made of, ensuring hygienic cleaning.

Keep in mind that the perfect wrist rest blend adequate support and suitable factors for your needs to give you the comfort and ergonomic benefits you seek.

Alternatives to Wrist Rests: Other Ergonomic Solutions

While wrist rests are a popular solution for those who work long hours on a computer, they may not be the best fit for everyone. In fact, some experts even argue that wrist rests can do more harm than good, by encouraging poor typing posture and limiting movement.

So, what are some other ergonomic solutions that can provide the necessary support and comfort without the risks of wrist rests?

1. Adjustable Keyboard Trays

One popular alternative to wrist rests is an adjustable keyboard tray, which allows you to change the angle and height of your keyboard to fit your individual needs. This can help alleviate tension in your wrist, shoulder, and neck muscles, and reduce the risk of developing repetitive strain injuries.

When selecting an adjustable keyboard tray, look for models that have a wide range of adjustments and are easily installed on your desk or work surface. You may also want to consider purchasing a separate mouse pad that can be adjusted to the same level as your keyboard.

2. Ergonomic Keyboards

Another option for those looking to avoid wrist rests is an ergonomic keyboard. These keyboards are designed to help you maintain a more natural typing posture, with split or curved key layouts that allow you to keep your hands and wrists in a more neutral position.

Some ergonomic keyboards also come equipped with other features, such as built-in wrist supports, height adjustments, and programmable keys. Keep in mind that some ergonomic keyboards can be more expensive than traditional models, so be sure to weigh the cost against the potential benefits.

3. Standing Desks

If you’re concerned about the health risks associated with prolonged sitting, a standing desk may be a good alternative to both wrist rests and traditional typing setups. These desks allow you to stand while you work, encouraging movement and improved posture.

When selecting a standing desk, look for models that can be easily adjusted to various heights, and that have enough surface area to accommodate your computer, keyboard, and other work essentials. You may also want to consider a model that comes with a footrest to alleviate tension in your legs and feet.

Remember: no single ergonomic solution will work for everyone. When deciding on the best setup for your needs, consider factors such as your work style, body type, and any pre-existing medical conditions. With the right ergonomic setup, you can work comfortably and safely, without the need for wrist rests or other potentially risky solutions.

Do It Yourself: How to Make Your Own Wrist Rest

Looking for a budget-friendly solution to wrist discomfort while using a computer keyboard or mouse? Why not try making your own wrist rest?

Not only is it a cost-effective way to manage wrist pain, but also an excellent opportunity to unleash your creativity. You can customize your wrist rest to suit your style and preference.


  1. Start by selecting a suitable material for your wrist rest. You can choose foam, gel, or even rice.
  2. Measure the width of your keyboard or mousepad and then cut the material according to that size.
  3. Next, you can cover the wrist rest with the fabric of your choice. This will provide a smooth surface that is soft to the touch.
  4. Use glue or double-sided tape to fix the fabric to the material.
  5. You can add any decorative elements like patterns or pictures to the surface of your wrist rest for a personalized touch.
  6. Allow the wrist rest to dry properly before using it.

By following these simple steps, you can create a customized wrist rest that alleviates wrist pressure while complementing your workspace.

However, it is essential to remember that a homemade wrist rest may not have the same level of support as commercially available options. Therefore, it is vital to use it properly in combination with regular stretching and breaks during extended computer sessions for optimal ergonomic benefits.

If you are satisfied with your DIY wrist rest, you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint by avoiding mass-produced options. So go ahead and get creative!


After discussing the pros and cons of wrist rests and investigating the anatomy of the wrist, it’s clear that the answer to the question “Are wrist rests ergonomic?” is not a simple one.

While wrist rests can provide additional support and alleviate some pain and discomfort, they may also lead to overextension of the wrists, as well as restrict movement and contribute to the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Experts suggest that it’s important to focus on maintaining good posture, taking regular breaks, and investing in other ergonomic solutions such as an adjustable desk or ergonomic mouse. If a wrist rest is chosen, it’s important to find one that fits the individual’s wrist size and provides proper support without overextension or restriction.

Other alternatives to wrist rests include exercise balls, standing desks, and ergonomic keyboards, which may be better suited for some individuals.